The Exam cell receives notices from university portals and serves to concerned departments. Follow up of university notifications regarding examination fees, modalities of payments etc. Follow up of concerned departments & uploading of internal examinations data, Attendance, students profiles etc to the university. Preparing of examination time table as per the university academic schedule, preparing of seating plans, assigning of invigilation duties etc., for smooth conduction of examinations. (Descriptive & Practical examinations -Internal / External). Configure the online server, scheduling and execution of internal online examinations in the college and upload the reports to the university without any discrepancy. Student grievances / discrepancies are rectified immediately by the examcell with the concern of college / university.
There will be 2 CTs and one PUT (Pre University Test). All examinations (CTs & PUT) will be mandatory. The CTs & PUT will be conducted as one per day. The marks & weight-age, Syllabus coverage percentage in each CT and PUT are given in the following table below:
Mr. Mudit Kumar Dixit
Controlar Of Examination
Qualification : M.Tech
Working Experience : 22 Year
Email Id : Some thing will be Here
Mr. Dhananjay Singh
Assistant Controlar Of Examination
Qualification : M.Tech
Working Experience : 22 Year
Email Id : Some thing will be Here
Mr. Rajat Goel
Assistant Controlar Of Examination
Qualification : M.Tech
Working Experience : 22 Year
Email Id : Some thing will be Here