Library is the heart of institution because it plays a vital role in the growth and development of educational institutions. Library is Hub and wheel of academic institution. Library is Oxygen for any educational institution may it be a University, College or an engineering institution. An institution without a well equipped library is standing on the foundation of sand which may smash at any moment.

Keeping with the above view Kanpur Institute of Technology has established the library along with establishment of the institution in the year 2004. From the very beginning the management has tried to make the library a model library in the city. Our library has the state-of-the-art system.

Our library is having more than 400 sitting capacity with air conditioned rooms. It is fully automated with LibSys (Release 5.0 LAN Version with web OPAC) software in order to provide references service to its students, faculty members and staff members. Now permitted users can access our library through internet/intranet. The library houses about 57103 volumes & Titles 4518 of books. All the books are bar coded it subscribes many more National/international journals in print form, 22 magazines and 13 newspapers. A rich collection (2984) of CDs, DVDs & Project works is also available for its users. The books in the library are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition and catalogued in MARC-21 format and in manual form both by AACR-2.

Digital Library is a new concept. It may be called a paperless library. There is a DELNET facility which has about a million catalogues with records of books, Periodicals, articles, etc. The library has INDEST IEL (IEEE) (CONSORTIUM) facility which provides articles, e-books, e-journals etc. available in machine-readable form.

Out institute has a rich book bank facility for students; every student gets five books per semester for exhaustive personal use. The books are to be returned at the end of the semester and a fresh set of books is issued at the commencement of a new semester.

We also provide reference & Reprographic services to our users. Reference Service is the process of establishing right content between the user and his document in a personal way.

The aim of our library is to cater the needs of the students, faculty members and staff members of all disciplines with equipped model & latest information technologies so that the latest information needed for the academic purposes may be provided on time. Our main aim is "To Save the Time of User".