Proctorial Board is committed to ensure that the discipline amoung the students in the institute is maintained. It has separate ANTIRAGGING COMMITTEE.

Institute Regulation On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging (2010-11)

Ragging is a criminal offence as per the Supreme Court verdict. Ragging in all its forms, within or outside the institute/campus is totally banned.

"Ragging" Means the following:

Any disorderly conduct whether by the words spoken or written or by an act which haws the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudness any other student, indulging in rowdy or indiscipline activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension there of in a freasher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of fresher or a junior student.

Punishable ingredients of Ragging
  1. Abetment to Ragging
  2. Criminal conspiracy to rag
  3. Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging
  4. Public nuisance created during ragging
  5. Violation of decency and moral through ragging
  6. Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt
  7. Wrongful Confinement
  8. Use of criminal force.
  9. Assault as well as sexual offences or even unnatural offences
  10. Extortion
  11. Criminal trespass
  12. Offences against property
  13. Criminal Intimidation
  14. All other offences following from the definition of "Ragging"
  15. Attempts to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim(s).

Dr. Vikash Kumar Pandey

Chief Proctor

Qualification : Ph.D, M.Sc

Working Experience : 22 Year

Email Id :


Mr. Mudit Kumar Dixit

Assistant Chief Proctor

Qualification : M.Sc

Working Experience : 22 Year

Email Id :